- To advance medical education and research for CHI through organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, symposiums and publishing reports, presentations, papers, books, journals, magazines, periodicals, thesis, research, writings, articles, documents, etc.
- To promote and disseminate knowledge, create awareness and provide a common forum of interaction amongst clinicians, geneticists, researchers, parents, government agencies and other stakeholders.
- To establish uniform guidelines and policies in terms of admissions, diagnosis and treatment of CHI across the country in tune with the global standards
- To identify and develop centers of excellence for standardized CHI care in the country by providing assistance to clinicians, hospitals to enhance skills in the management of CHI
- To facilitate inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary collaborations amongst various national / international organizations for information sharing across network and develop collateral resources for effective care and management of CHI
- To enroll volunteers and patients for the CHI India registry
- To create opportunities for clinical trials for advancing diagnostic and treatment options of CHI
- To support and work towards the enhancement of quality of life of patients with CHI and their families
- To accept grants, donations, assistance from public bodies, corporations, companies, persons or trusts for furthering the objectives of the consortium